Windows 10 Professional
ويندوز 10 برو Windows 10 Pro : وهذه النسخة هي إختصار لـ ويندوز 10
بروفيشنال وهي النسخة الكاملة من النظام وتحتوى على كل الخصائص والمميزات التي
تحتاج إليها وهي موجهة للمستخدمين المحترفين الذين ينتجون من خلال اجهزتهم مثل
مصممي الجرافيك وغيرهم
Microsoft has always been in a
continuous quest to designing and releasing software solutions that can be
enjoyed by all types of users, while in more recent years they also tried a new
approach: that of creating the same GUI for multiple devices.
Windows 10 is meant to continue
this trend, as it provides various enhancements over the previous operating
systems with the purpose to make the whole experience more intuitive no matter
if it runs on computers, tablets or smartphones.